gtag('config', 'AW-950438455');

Shell Corps Insurance



Film Emporium offers coverage

for shell corporations.


The Shell Corp program is designed to provide coverage for incorporated individuals in the entertainment industry. Professions eligible for consideration include:


  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Producers
  • Writers
  • Cameramen
  • Singers
  • Musicians
  • Composers
  • Radio and TV broadcasters
  • Comedians
  • Public speakers and lecturers
  • Athletes
  • Coaches
  • Trainers


 This program is flexible enough to allow for touring entertainers to endorse their shows onto the policy. Limits are available up to 10 million for liability.

Quotes are complimentary.  No Obligation.


Click here for definitions of insurance terms.

Commercial General Liability

Locations, municipalities, shooting permits all require that commercial general liability coverage is in place.  Minimum required limit is $1M.  Higher limits are available to satisfy any location requirement.

Hired and Non-Owned Automobile

Auto liability & auto physical damage for your rented vehicles, broadcast trucks, etc.



Available Coverage

  • Owned or rented camera and/or other production equipment
  • Props, sets, wardrobe, pictures and cars
  • Third party property damage (often referred to as location insurance)
  • Extra expense
  • Negative film, videotape and digitalized imagealong with faulty stock, camera and processing
  • Rented Jewelry and furs
  • Worldwide Option for 12 month policies
  • And much more, on an as needed basis